Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What do you do when you are driving?

The other day I saw a woman driving (not very well) whilst simultaneously talking on the mobile phone cradled between her shoulder and her ear and attempting to apply some make-up.

Now I know women claim that because they are of the fairer sex they can do more than one thing at once. I, for one, can accept that. I do not need to have it demonstrated by some idiot attempting to steer a half-tonne metal weapon with one elbow (and presumably one knee).

What do you do when you are driving? I think women do all these things (and more) when they are driving because they really can’t bring themselves to do what men do when they are driving – pick their nose!

Men do it singularly well because they can devote their energies to it! They are not distracted by telephone calls. They do it well because it can be done one-handed, unlike makeup that usually requires two hands to apply.

Men are also safer drivers because it seems that they invariably do it when stopped at traffic lights and not so much when they are driving. Maybe it is because men devote so much concentrated effort to ‘the pick’ that they have to do it at the lights as they couldn’t possibly manage to concentrate on the traffic at the same time.

What do you do when you are driving? What have you seen? Let us all know!


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